We've been tracking the progress of a new trail that connects Guthega to Charlotte's Pass. The trail is a section of the Snowies Alpine Trail - a 55km multi day walk which traverses the high country mountains between Guthega to Thredbo. Today seemed like the perfect opportunity to explore this track with the whole gang.
The running group - Andy, Patrick, Susie, Josh, Mia and myself headed out with the aim to run to the end of the trail (9km) and returning back to Spencer Creek to meet the walking crew of Ella, Katy, Nana and Grandpa!
It wasn't long before the old ladies of the running group were dropped by the young guns and old lads. They were nice and occasionally waited for us on the way out. It was a different story on the way back!! Anyway Susie and I enjoyed the scenery and running through the snow gums as we chatted away.
Arriving back at Spencers Creek, we find the walking group had arrived several minutes earlier. Dave in particular was keen to inspect the highest and newest suspension bridge crossing the creek. As the day was warming up, we were all keen to cool off our feet in the chilly waters below.
The 3.5km return journey to Guthega saw Katy and Ella join the running group while Susie and I were happy to walk back with Sandra and Dave powering ahead. Once back at the lodge we were all more than happy to lounge around and relax the afternoon away. Sunset treated us to another spectacular displays of colour and interesting cloud formations.
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