Friday, August 19, 2022

More Skiing

Thursday was a lodge type day. A fresh coat of snow had fallen overnight blanketing the mountain once again. Snow continued to flutter down and the winds prevented the lifts from opening so we were restricted only to Blue Calf t bar. Many of us skied for a few hours before getting too wet and / or cold.

Andy and Patrick headed out for a tour around Farm Creek in the afternoon in nicer conditions.

Friday's conditions were more favourable - with blue skies threatening to break through the grey clouds several times during the day. There were multiple splits as people decided on their preferences for the day. Andy went out with Katy to help build her confidence up which seemed to be dwindling as the week progressed. I joined Cath and Eoin. Ella was off with Mira and Mia.

I skied only for half of the day as did Ella. Andy and Katy stayed out a little longer. Everyone else dribbled back into the lodge at various times during the afternoon.

Again Andy took the opportunity to do a back country trip up Guthega Trig. He was joined by Patrick, Susie and Mia who was testing out my skis. A successful outing.

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