Sunday, January 1, 2023

Filling in the Days.

Life still continued! Grandad was finally released from hospital without diagnosis of the cause of his left arm and chest pain. Follow up appointments in the coming weeks with his GP and a cardiologist might reveal a reason. Although it is a little unsettling not to know, it's great that it is not something super serious which required immediate attention.

The girls did their 2nd parkrun in a week on a hot and humid New Year's Eve morning! 

We ventured over to Ceri and Graham's for an afternoon catch up and ended staying for dinner. It was really nice especially as the kids connected over the orienteering nationals!  No-one made it to midnight though!

Our days continued with the same pattern - beach swim, coffee, jobs around the house / visiting a thrift shop, visiting friends! By now the girls were missing home, their own space, Indi and their friends.

Enjoying a change in scenery, Andy and I ran / walked at various spots around the river. Every time I return to Perth I can't help but notice the amazing array of wildflowers. The banksia's are amazing!

We enjoyed a dinner out with the Grandies at a new (for us) Italian restaurant. The servings were huge and we all rolled out!

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