Not a super fan of walking, Ella chose to remain at the lodge to do school work and generally having some downtime. The large group Katy and I were with had a range of ages with the youngest being 5yrs. We walked at different paces and the group naturally splintered into smaller groups. Katy was happy taking photos. We joined up again at the Illawong suspension bridge for a rest and to refuel.
Preparing to go again, the large group broke up. One group needed to return to Canberra for a prior engagement so they decided to walk a little further to Spencers Creek suspension bridge before turning back, while another family had walked far enough for their little person. Katy and I continued on with the summiting group of 5.
The ascent was enjoyable in the sunshine with a light breeze occasionally cooling us off. I hadn't realised that the top steep slopes of Mt Twynam were so rocky. The last (and only) time I'd been up was in the height of winter with snow hiding everything. As we crested the final pinch, Ashley one of the runners from Andy's group popped into sight - they were wondering where we were!

At the top the wind was quite ferocious and we all scrambled to layer up to keep warm. Under the trig, we sheltered behind the boulders to eat lunch and swap stories.
The running group sounded like they enjoyed the challenge that the Sentinel brought. The photos looked sensational.
Halfway down from the trig to the Snowy river, we stopped under a huge snow gum. I have declared this spot to be my most favourite - s small stand of snow gums including the one I have dubbed as the mother. She is enormous with a huge beautiful colourful multiple stemmed trunk surround by lush grass. Perched on a spur, it is a wonderful place to sit and contemplate.
Back at the lodge, after showers, the afternoon cheese and drinks emerged while pizza was prepared. Dinner was a never ending procession of delicious pizzas. A great way to end a wonderful day.
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