Sunday, March 26, 2023

On The Home Front

A busy week of work and home life. Sandra and Dave are staying while their house has a make over inside with repainting of the interior. Andy jetted off to Melbourne for a few days with a very sore (possibly broken wrist). There were Easter meetings, medical appointments and a wedding anniversary!

Blessed with another Friday not needed at work! I was more than happy to potter around at home as there was plenty to do. I removed the crab apple to make way for a snow gum sapling (kindly gifted to us for help planting last weekend). 

I also took the opportunity to move the daphne and the hellebores in order to make way for the conversion of the side fence to a gate and path as part of the garage / mudroom renos that hopefully will take place in spring.

Caught up on a webinar series with Indi's help!

Panda came over for the weekend. Indi was happy about that!

Movement next-door with the arrival of the frames!

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