Monday, May 15, 2023


Chicken coop prototype IV required recycling of the decking timbers from our back steps. So a demolition team (me) was called in for the job. Unscrewing the screws was both satisfying and frustrating - some came away very easily while others burred as they were well and truly stuck. Lots of the wood was rotten - not surprisingly as it was installed by Andy and Grandad about 14 years ago!

More surprising though were the treasures (?) found beneath the deck amongst the sand and leaves. A good fork, a paintbrush, straws, water bubble holders, two mummified rats (!) and general rubbish and as well as the old laundry steps.

I removed all the screws and cleaned the decking timber ready for the next stage - construction of a Indi proof and chicken protecting fence. Andy was chief designer and sawer for this part of the project.

After lining up the planks, we discovered it wasn't long enough, so we manage to remove more of the steps without compromising their function!

While I was busy with the deck, Andy had been constructing the chicken coop door which was ready for a coat of primer. With the benefits of not working on the Monday, I then painted the chicken coop frame and door in Jasper.

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