Wednesday, August 9, 2023

First Time Going Down a Chairlift!

Wednesday saw Patrick arrive early (Susie had driven back to Canberra last night to do the switch). The boys (Andy, Rob, Tom, Patrick and Josh) had planned a back country adventure - a loop including Twynam and Tate. First though was the 2.5km walk (yes no snow) to the suspension bridge to cross the Snowy River.

With skins on, they began the trek upwards. After a few km's the boys came across a beautiful igloo in the process of being completed! Intrigued, they stopped and chatted to the igloo builders and were granted an inside tour!


Conditions up to Twynam weren't great so the group opted out of the climb to the trig instead passing below Mt Anton, climbing up the spur towards Mt Anderson then skiing down and across another section of Pound Creek. From there it was skinning up Tate East Ridge then a steep fun descent down to the Guthega River aiming for the small wooden bridge.

Meanwhile back on the resort, Al and I had a solo guthega day, while the rest of the kids ventured further afield - to Blue Cow and Perisher! We also had the first time experience of riding the chairlift DOWN(!) to  Basecamp. Interesting and sad at the same time. We enjoyed a relaxing lunch and coffee while watching the clouds begin to loom over the main range and wondered how the boys were going...

As we made our way back onto the slopes, we bumped into the girls who were returning from their adventures and with more clouds looming we all made our way back to the lodge.

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