A Day in the Life of Katy and Nat with guest appearances from Ella and Andy (Friday 17th July)
- Day began fairly early with Katy waking up at 12.50am and Andy on duty for bottle feed.
- Andy's back in bed by 2am after watching the end of the tour.
- Katy wakes up at 6.15am for breastfeed and is back in bed semi asleep with Andy by 7am.
- Ella wakes up at 6.30am plays around until Nat gets her milk at 7am.
- Nat packs Ella's lunch and feeds her breakfast.
- Katy wakes up Andy at 7.30am and both finally get out of bed.
- Dress both girls.
- Andy and Ella out of the door by 8.15am to catch the bus.
- Nat has a shower.
- Katy wants another feed at 8.30am.
- Nat calls Yarralumla Nursery to see if anyone handed in her car keys and HOORAY they had.
- 9.15am Katy, Pippa and Nat head out for a walk (Extended Henry Half)
- Drop past the Cook IGA for supplies - milk, bread, paper and chocolate mud cake (packet mix)
- Back home by 10.15am make cake and while that's cooking unpack dishwasher, put on load of washing and do a general tidy up.
- 11.30am still waiting for Katy to wake up so check email, surf net and read some of the paper.
- 12.15pm Katy finally stirs and feeds.
- Head off to nursery at 1.15pm and on way home stop at Yarralumla Bakery to buy a steak and mushroom pie and lemon tart - YUM.
- Arrive home by 2pm, eat lunch while doing the sudoku and focus.
- Katy wakes for a feed at 2.30pm.
- 3ish put out washing, fold some washing up, ice cake and prep dinner.
- Nan (Andy's mum) drops in on her bike at 3.30pm for afternoon tea. Katy impresses her with her smiles and cooing.
- 4ish leave for Jase's. Have some more afternoon tea as well as play time with Abby and Zoe.
- Katy is hungry again just before 5pm.
- Leave at 5.30pm to pick up Ella and Andy.
- Decide to have a quick beer and some chips with Andy's colleagues at the uni shop.
- Back home by 6.30pm to heat up some macaroni cheese for Ella.
- Bathtime for both girls at 7ish.
- Milk, story and both girls in bed by 7.45pm.
- Eat our dinner at 8.15pm.
- Katy wakes at 8.45pm so Andy bottle feeds while watching a recorded episode of Miss Marple.
- Katy back in bed at 9.45pm.
- Nat expresses then goes to bed at 10.30pm and Andy joins her at 11.30pm after doing some work.
- Ella wakes up in hysterics (bad dream about mummy?) at 11.45pm.
- All quiet by 12.20am.
- Katy is up again for more milk at 2.20am and another day begins :)
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