We drove to Denmark via the Denmark Farmhouse Cheese Factory where we purchased some delicious cheeses, fudge and wine. After stocking up on groceries at the Denmark IGA we headed for a coffee shop followed by a play on the banks of the Denmark River.
That afternoon we headed off to Conspicuous Cliffs

approximately 10km from Nornalup. Before heading down to the beach, we decided to walk up to the look out so we could appreciate the coastline.
However our journey to the top was cut short by a big snake sun baking in the middle of the path which didn't want to move.
On the way down we were talking about how Ella attracts snakes - on each of our holidays this year we have seen a snake! At Katoomba - it was a massive Diamond

Python on our front door step; on the way to Nationals we stopped at Chiltern Park rest stop and while Ella and Andy were playing in the bush she nearly stumbled on top of a coiled up brown snake and then today it was probably Dugite.
Anyway back to the story - we ventured down to the beach with no more snake sightings. Ella had lots of fun playing in the little river and the sand dune next to it.

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