First - is pumpkins! Apart from an abundance of
tomatoes, the pumpkins were our only other success in the vegie patch over summer. And now some of them are ready to be picked.

Second - is flowers. Ella LOVES flowers. She
planted petunias with Grandpa which are all flowering beautifully. The most recent flower to blossom is this big sunflower.
Third - is caterpillars! Ella actually spotted the first caterpillar on a leaf of our lime tree as I was hanging out the washing. Then together we found another 2. Each day we check on them to see what they are up to. Today we could only see 2 caterpillars. Not sure whether the other one was hiding or has disappeared (eaten?). They are slowly getting fatter and I hope will soon make a cocoon.

Andy told me how last Friday on arriving at Sundews (childcare), Susan (one of the carers) asked Ella how the caterpillar was going. Ella replied something like big caterpillar, made a big house, then came out as a big butterfly with lots of colours and flew away. Hmm perhaps she was thinking about the Hungry Little Caterpillar Book cause our caterpillars are still munching away on the lime leaves much to Andy's delight!
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