Wednesday, March 24, 2010

O @ Glendale

As we needed to checkout the parking area (again) for Day 1 of easter twenty10 on Sunday so we decided to go orienteering as it was on the way. While Andy ran around the long course, Ella, Katy and I decided to tackle the blue course. I'd brought Ella's bike with us thinking that the course would be on tracks and therefore I wouldn't have to end up carrying two girls.

We met up with Nana, Maki and Luca who were also going to do the blue course. By the time we got to the start Ella had a meltdown - mainly because there were 2 SI cards for 3 little people. So I headed back to the rego to borrow another one. Then at the start we discovered the course was pretty much all through the bush so we ditched the bike.

It was slow going with 3 toddlers walking and falling over through the bush. Just before number 6, on some nice grass under a shady tree we decided that it was time for a rest and picnic. It was there Nana and I discussed how far to go - which started off with let's cut off part of the course and ended up with let's just walk straight back. A wise decision - Maki and Ella were hot and tired and Luca needed cuddles most of the way back!

Off to Gudgenby on the way home to calculate how many cars we could fit in the limited parking area which turned out to be all ok.

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