Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Baby Animals
We were riding home from trash 'n' treasure on Sunday with the girls in the trailer when (after passing the spot where the little shetland pony is normally tied up - and wasn't there) Ella asked 'Did you know a baby horse is called a foal?' So over the next few minutes we played "guess the baby animal". We would give Ella a common animal - dog, cat, cow .... Then Ella decided to turn the tables: "what's a baby swan called?" (she pronounced cygnet as insect) and "Do you know what a baby ladybird is called?" Here, we were stumped, so Andy improvised, and a baby ladybird is now called a babybug...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Where is this?
As you know I've been busy scanning photos from my childhood adventures and arranging them into an apple photobook. I can say there were quite a few photos I had trouble remembering where they were taken. For example, my family (plus Annwen) travelled to NZ and Tassie in 1989. My memories as 14 year old are quite limited. I can recall specific occasions like walking in Mt Cook National Park where Annwen fell onto a rock and split her hand open or getting lost orienteering around the sinkholes of Craigmore or dressing up in olden days dresses...anyway my detailed descriptions (eg on the road in NZ - a photo of a lake with a mountain!) written on only some of the photos were mostly not at all helpful.

Then the internet came to the rescue! I had a vague recollections of places we visited and using google maps with internet image searches could actually names these. Just look at these - my photo is the first followed by the one from the internet.

Blue Lake, St Bathans

Lake Pukakai with Mt Cook in background
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Another Project Done
I've completed my latest knitting project - a cardigan for Katy. I'm really happy with the finished project but am disappointed that 1. It took me longer than I thought and now winter is pretty much over 2. The cardigan only just fits Katy now and definitely won't last until next winter.

Prior to Grandad leaving, he spoilt the girls with a present each. Very happy girls!!

Katy received a baby.

Ella received some princesses.

Grandad Visits
Grandad came for a visit arriving on Thursday night and flying out on Monday night. The girls really enjoyed playing with Grandad and we did loads of fun things.

Ella had a short childcare day on Friday so we could enjoy Floriade in the beautiful sunshine. The patting zoo was a real hit and this year the children we able to hold rabbits, guinea pigs and chicks.

Saturday saw us mulch the garden and fill the sandpit.

Orienteering at Picaree Hill was on Sunday. Grandad, Nat and the girls completed the 2km blue course - Ella on her bike and Katy in the backpack. On the way home we stopped for coffee at Cork St Cafe in Gundaroo with Al, Rob and kids.

Monday was a childcare day for both girls but we picked them up just after lunch to have a final play with Grandad before he got on the big plane back home to Perth. We planted some plants in the garden - a tree fern and birds nests under the shade of the hakea as well as several natives - boronia, melaleuca, correa and a banksia.
While Grandad was here, we moved Katy's cot into Ella's room so the girls were together. Worked fairly well for the majority of the nights - that is the ones when Katy slept through! Needless to say after Grandad left, Katy was returned to her own room!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Looking Back
Since 2007 we have produced a photo yearbook. This has inspired me to replace all of our old chunky photo albums and now that we have our new printer/scanner the process has begun! It's going to be a long journey but will be worth it.

A younger mum and dad who have recently celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary.

Bear Hunt
With Black Mountain in the background, Ella, Katy and I played and picniced at Weston Park yesterday in quite chilly conditions.

We explored...

We climbed...

We ate....

Then we went on a bear hunt!
We're Going on a Bear Hunt by M. Rosen is a favourite of Ella's. So we ventured around the park singing, looking, moving and eventually running away from the bear!
We're going on a bear hunt
We're going to find a big one
What a beautiful day
We're not scared.

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Dog Door Blackboard
It recently occurred to me as I watched Ella and Katy drawing with chalk on the bricks, deck, pavers and fence that the dog door panel would make an excellent blackboard. So last weekend Ella and I transformed it into one. No doubt they will continue to draw everywhere except the blackboard. Only time will tell once the paint is dry and it stops raining here...

Friday, September 3, 2010
Solo Swimmer
Swimming has begun for another term and as Ella is now in School Age Level 1 class she gets to swim without Mum or Dad. She loved her first lesson flying solo especially as we have manage to get her back into a class conducted by her favourite teacher Yvonne. Katy and I were swimming in the lesson next to Ellas and I must admit I did glance over quite a few times to see if Ella was ok. Everytime I looked she had her goggles on and was happy. Even getting both girls and myself showered and dressed went surprisingly well.
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