The drive up was a little harrowing -- we picked up skis for the girls in Cooma (as well as two toboggans) and drove through the driving rain to Selwyn. All Nat could think about was how wet and cold we would be after a few hours in the elements, so she was relieved to find Katy asleep when we arrived, and magnanimously volunteered to stay in the car with her so Katy could get a proper rest. Meanwhile, the remainder of the team braved the elements...
First up, we skied with varying degrees of success. Ella travelled a total of about 25 m in 30 attempts over the day, but wasn't remotely phased by the amount of time she spent on the white snow. And in recounting her adventures various friends have been given the distinct impression that she is now some sort of slalom wizard, which isn't strictly accurate.

Next up, we tobogganed. Katy wasn't particularly enamoured by the whole experience. She was so rugged up that she literally couldn't move, and the toboggan motion took a bit of getting used to. When Nat finally took her back to the car, Katy remarked mournfully: "Don't like 'no' - like car"!

The bigger girls, on the other hand, loved the toboggans in general and toboggan racing in particular (not to mention the Dads).

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