As the sun mostly seems to enjoy staying behind the clouds here, we took advantage of one sunny afternoon, taking the bus into town to collect Andy from work, then continue onto University Park purchasing a yummy ice cream from a street vendor on the way. A play with the rocket, followed by some tree climbing was in store before heading home for dinner. A lovely change to our daily routine.
Andy's work has seen him take separate day trips to Cambridge and Southampton. This week it's back again to Cambridge to catch up with people who he missed on his last trip.
Last Wednesday was Katy's sports day at nursery! Was very interested to see what that entailed so turned up at the required time of 2.30pm. The foundation (equivalent to kindy) children all sat to cheer on the nursery children as they did their races. Now 3 and 4 year olds are not know for their ability to follow instruction which made the sports day all that more interesting!
The first race had 4 children who were instructed to run to the fence and back again. Ready, set, go and the two boys were out in the lead. However when the first got to the fence, the second burst into tears for being beaten (despite the race only being half over) and ran over to his mum in the audience followed by the first boy who became upset too!! Both the little girls, with the encouragement of the teachers touched the fence and ran back to the start.

All the nursery children were rewarded with a certificate of participation and an icy pole despite it being only 15C!
We met at the Jam Factory, a trendy little restaurant with an old work colleague of Andy's and her partner for dinner during the week. Ella was in heaven when she saw scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on the menu. Katy wasn't as happy with the choices so we decided to see if they could cook some plain pasta with grated cheese on top. She was even more unhappy when the waiter returned to inform us they'd run out of pasta! Eventually we chose ham with chips but it didn't matter as she curled up on the chair sulking only to fall asleep and missed the mains completely! Andy and I enjoyed our beef burgers with melted stilton. We tried to wake Katy up for ice cream without any luck so she missed that too! Unfortunately Katy fell apart when we woke her up to leave and she decided she was hungry......a taxi ride home,a toasted bagel and all was fixed.
With two tired girls, we decided they needed a day off school to recover. They both slept until after 8.30am and spent most of the day in their pj's playing cubby houses, reading books, playing lego, uno and hello kitty memory! The afternoon was taken up with a quick trip to the supermarket, making flapjacks (unsuccessfully though as Robin's are much better according to the girls!) and more playing in their pj's.

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