It began with a small sleep in. Then a 2 hour tour of Canberra run in the wonderful sunshine to Jessica's 3rd Birthday Party in Kambah. Lots of chatting with friends and playing on the playground with the girls before returning home.
Afternoon was spent designing and building our new chicken coop from whatever materials we could find in the garage. Why a new chicken coop I hear you say? Our diagonal over the back fence neighbours have retuned from their 1 year (that-became-2-years) posting to Canada and would like their chicken coop back! So the inevitable happened and now we feel under pressure to get it back ASAP.
We made great progress with the main body almost finished. Need to visit bunnings for some hinges, a couple more pieces of timber and some screws. Then paint, attach the roof, nesting box and finish the floorboards before placing it in position.

Ella was a great help - measuring, drawing pencil lines, holding bit of timber and building a house with the offcuts. Katy meanwhile was too busy playing with Sofia!

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