Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Abode

Molly and Holly have a new house! We worked hard last weekend to get the job done so that we could return the old coop to the owner. Here is our starting point from the previous Sunday.

Tuesday's afterschool activity involved painting. In keeping with the theme of recycled/reused materials we found a bunch of old sample pots so the chicken coop became a kaleidoscope of colours.

Saturday dawned and armed with few extra pieces of materials purchased from bunnings we were keen to finish this project. A little more painting, cutting, drilling, attaching hinges, a handle to the egg box and constructing a ramp and we were done! The girls were a big help during this drawn out process.

Next step was to get the old coop out and the new one in. This was easier than expected and by mid afternoon we introduced Molly and Holly to their new abode.

After dark we checked on the chickens only to find them huddling together behind one of the bushes! Andy manhandled them into their coop. Molly was ok but Holly wasn't too sure! A few nights of this routine and eventually they worked it out and are happily laying eggs in the right spot too!

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