Friday, August 29, 2014

Little Lizard

Recently on a non preschool Wednesday for Katy, she enjoyed several hours with Nana at her house. They spent some time in the garden together and caught a lizard - probably a common garden skink! The said lizard made its way back to our house and was introduced to Ella.

The lizard and the girls became best of friends (well according to the girls!). They built the lizard a nice home in an old container filled with soil, rocks, foliage and various special items. I'm sure the lizard enjoyed the brief time it spent in its new home - just over 24 hours…..

What happened after 24 hours I hear you ask? Well the girls loved holding the lizard despite our insistence that it was best off in its new home. Soon enough lizard had gone for an adventure and Ella came out holding her telescope telling me that lizard was inside!! Looking into the barrel of the telescope, I could occasionally see the back outline of lizard. How did he get in here Ella I ask? In a matter of fact reply Ella said that they'd decided to let lizard climb around the telescope like play equipment but then he climbed inside.

Hmmm what to do now. I tried shaking lizard out to no avail. Our best option was to hope he would come out of the dark confined cosy space by leaving the telescope upright in a jar. Over the next day or so, lizard never appeared in the jar but had disappeared from the telescope.

Several days later while Andy was hanging out the washing inside, a limp (barely alive) lizard fell out of the clothes! The girls were happy to see lizard again despite his poor condition and we convinced them to place him somewhere nice outside hoping he'd make a miraculous recovery.

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