Friday, August 29, 2014


Although its an early start as - I have to scan my first patient at 7am, my shift finishes by 3pm which means I get to do school pick up. Despite usually being under the pump to get away (last two appointment slots on my list are usually filled by ward or emergency department patients so I'm reliant on the wardsman), I can get changed, ride at break neck speed (luckily school is less than 10min ride) and arrive to pick up Katy as the other parents are streaming down the path with their preschoolers.

Katy grabs her bike and we ride off together to find Ella who has usually only made it halfway to preschool and usually without her bike and is busy practising her moves on the monkey bars! Eventually we get going taking mum's secret way (the back way to Jamo) stopping at the shops for last minute purchases which often include a treat (ice cream, hot chocolate or something from the bakery).

From there we amble back home trying to avoid another monkey bar practice playground stop. At home the girls play whatever is the latest thing…..recently it's been playdough animals, cubby houses, craft with the recycling stuff along with some tv or iPad time. Meanwhile dinner is cooked in a relaxed manner!

So for these reasons I really love Thursdays :)

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