Friday, May 15, 2015

Exploring Waterfalls

With the not quite beach weather continuing we took another opportunity to explore further afield in Biamanga National Park - in particular Mumbulla Creek Falls. Although it was only 50km south from Wallaga Lake, the last 20km was on dirt roads so it took an hour to drive there.

We were lucky to enjoy the place to ourselves with the only car there leaving as we'd arrived. Perhaps it was the 5 kids tumbling out of the cars shattering the tranquility?? Anyway it was a short wander to the viewing platform. Little time was spent admiring the view as the kids clambered down the steep steps to explore this wild place!

Gulaga and Biamanga National Parks are sacred places to the local aboriginals, the Yuin people. In 2006 these areas were returned to the traditional custodians as part of a joint management agreement with NSW National Parks. The Mumbulla Falls area is known historically for male initiation and reflection. In recent years signs request that people do not to swim in the area for respect of this sacred site. We were happy to oblige with this request although one could imagine the fun to be had on a warm day sliding down the naturally carved water slide and plunging into the deep round rock pool at the bottom.

With the recent rain we thought the Mumbulla Falls would be in full flow however this didn't seem to be the case. The water cascaded over several rock ledges into deep pools before opening out into a rocky stream. The kids took no time in scrambling up, across and all over this area before embarking on a rock hopping adventure heading downstream. Obviously the return path was too boring!

We eventually made it back to the picnic area all dry! The gas barbecues worked a treat and it was not long before Rob's cafe was open for business serving sausage sandwiches. Lunch was enjoyed by all. Dam construction was the first activity for the afternoon, however the call of the wild soon enticed all and sundry rock hopping once again down stream. There were a few wet feet not to mention cold children by the end of it all and it was obvious that it was time to say goodbye to this beautiful area.

Our afternoon back at the house took on a similar feeling to previous days and so we headed out for a  late afternoon jaunt with the focus was on locating a nearby geocache. Following the now very familiar trail along the edge of the lake, we found ourselves hunting for the cache at the shelter with beautifully carved posts overlooking Wallaga Lake and Mt Gulaga in the distance. We were also treated to a spectacular sunset on our return to the house. Nice way to complete the day!

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