Off we ventured into the bush following a small track which soon petered out. We continued on ambling alongside the dry creek bed hoping something would appear and it did! A sign half crushed by a fallen tree indicated we were in the right place! The small track returned and we were on our way again meandering through the lush low ferns. There was a wide array of interesting, colourful fungi if one stopped to look. We even spotted a rarely seen wide mouthed Alma frog!

Ahead the worlds biggest natural vine swing was spotted with Rob heading over to investigate it's strength. We all watched with baited breath as he first pulled on the vines and then continued to precariously climb up into it...with success! The worlds biggest natural vine swing was like a honey pot to our busy bee children, each wanting to try it out.

A few more vine swings were spotted and tested, however none as good as the first two. The track turned uphill before it completely disappeared and we found ourselves on a bush bashing adventure. Didn't last for long as we emerged at the cars.
Alma won the prize for attracting the biggest leech on her leg and consequently began the leech inspection saga. Seemed like the rain had bought these blood sucking creatures out as we watched them traverses across the ground in search of food. Lets say there were no complaints about getting into the car and we found ourselves leaving the rainforest in search of lunch.
We'd been to Bermagui on previous trips to the coast and knew of the fish'n'chip place at the harbour with the ideally placed playground and picnic tables adjacent. Unfortunately for us the wind and rain closed in making eating our lunch challenging. There definitely was no hanging around and everyone was keen to have coffee to warm up.
A nicely placed geocached en route to coffee focused the kids attention and being a nano it took several minutes to actually locate once at GZ. Off once again to the gelato shop - yes for coffee - oh and some ice cream. Still amuses me despite the cold, windy, rainy conditions all the kids wanted ice cream!!
A quick detour to grab another geocache at Camel Rock on our way home. Plus a play on 'that' steep sand dune and an exploration of the rocky shore. By this stage we were all tucked out and ready to enjoy some quiet time back at the house.
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