Tuesday, May 19, 2015

School Cross Country

A glorious day for Katy's first school cross country race. First up was the 100m dash by the preschoolers - good to get them involved! Next was the kindy girls. Their race was around the four light pole of the oval about 400m or so.

Katy began well in the first half of the group. She ran a evenly paced race and as a result reeled in a few girls who began to tire towards the end, running herself into second place!

Ella began very conservatively - almost too much so. According to her she had a stitch! Her group disappeared for several minutes off the edge of the oval to complete half a loop of the larger oval before returning. Ella was 6th girl. I think she may have tried a little harder if she knew that before the race that the top 5 participate in the Belconnen regional cross country race. Ah well that's something to aim for next year!

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