The much anticipated renovations have finally begun (a few weeks ago now!) so the blog will be filled with progress photos for the next 6 or so months! Commencement date was 27th April and the contract states 126 days until completion which is by my calculations 20th October....hopefully a nice birthday present for Andy cause we'll be completely broke by then!
The first day of renovations also coincided with an ACT Public Service holiday and thus no school. The result for me was welcoming the cousins over for the day as all the parents had to work.

Meanwhile Ella's new monopoly board came straight out with a fierce competition between the oldest four cousins - Josh, Mia, Maki and Ella. Luca was banker and Katy hung around and watched. Was interesting listening in the background to the discussions of rules and general game playing tactics.
Now I knew the game wasn't going to last for ever peacefully so I took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather to take the kids outside. We scooted down to the Cook hub, stopping for essentials at the shop - sausages, bread and sauce!
Arriving at the playground, the kids scattered leaving me to check out the bbq's. Much to my disappointment BOTH were out of order! My original plan was to spend a few hours picnicking and playing. Plan B evolved - snack of birthday cake followed by an upside down lunch - an ice cream first then snags cooked back at home.

Unfortunately there was no playing outside the house as the first job was removing the asbestos eaves. It only took the workers who were all kitted up in their special protection gear about an hour. Hence the monopoly game continue and slowly disintegrated...just in time for the cousins to go home!!
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