Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Post Christmas Relaxation

We left Guthega on Boxing Day, eager to get back to Pippa. Although disappointed that we couldn't stay longer, the weather forecast was terrible - a top of 13°C and thunderstorms. It had been raining fairly solidly at the lodge all morning and there was talk of lighting the fire! Back in Canberra, the garden has got a good soaking. Pippa was excited to see us and we spent the remaining few hours of the afternoon unpacking.

The next morning was a slow one. First was a bit of flat pack construction. Katy had got a desk and Ella a bedside cupboard as Christmas presents. From there we went shopping! Not an activity we would normally do post christmas however the new lounge we had eyed off was on sale.

The only choice in the store was to decide on the type and colour of fabric. In the end we decided on Tundra, a light charcoal. There is a 4 week wait so hopefully the lounge will arrive at the end of January. A quick drive around the corner to another furniture shop where we'd seen a featherston type occasional chair that we were interested in. Ended up purchasing that one too which should also arrive around the same time at the lounge.

Next on the list was to find beans for Ella's christmas beanbag and food for dinner. All achieved very efficiently and we were once again back home ready for more Christmas present assembling.

First was the beans into Ella's bean bag while watching the cricket of course.

Ella's bedroom looking great.

Next was placing Katy's wall sticker on to her wall. Her room has really transformed into a young lady who is ready to take on Year 1!! Nana and Grandpa gave Katy her new desk chair too a few days later.

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