Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Grandad and Nana ventured over to the UK for 3 weeks.. The trip saw Grandad return for the first time back to the UK since leaving 66 years ago, when he travelled as a 6 year old, via boat to Australia by himself. They loved the trip with all the sightseeing, visiting Dad's cousin and catching up with friends.

Meanwhile one of Andy's American colleagues came and stayed with us for a few days. Steve walked up to the top of Mt Painter with the girls, Pippa and Andy to enjoy the views of Lake Burley Griffin, Black Mountain and the Brindabellas.

Then we have numerous friends doing some fantastic trips escaping the Canberra winter - a swim trek around the Greek Islands, European tour (London, Paris, catching the tour, Switzerland mounting races), Family holiday to Bali, Central Australia explorations all of which is making us feel very much so that we've just booked flights to Perth and Japan for Christmas and January!!

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