The girls are no longer up at the crack of dawn impatiently waiting for us to wake up so they can look inside their Santa sacks. Christmas morning went something like this -

I woke around 6am (like I do most mornings) to Pippa pacing around the living area so I got up and let her out then went back to bed. Sometime after 7am, Katy comes into our room wondering when she can open her sack... and resigns herself to the fact that Ella is still dead to the world and so snuggles in with us. Close to 8am we all crack and go wake up Ella! The last advent calendar is opened - photo albums from our Japanese and French trips - bringing back some lovely Christmas memories! They then delved into their Santa sacks pulling out the goodies. All smiles so far...a good start to the day. Our (Andy and I) Santa sack present - a Christmas morning jog together! Just missing the post run beach swim :)

Nana, Grandpa arrived with Fuji and Bolt and unloaded their presents for the tree. Compared to the normal chaos of present opening with the whole family (13), this mornings proceeding were sedate! Katy was ecstatic to receive a KitchenAid mixer and Ella equally happy with her new camera!
Lunch preparations continued and more guests arrived. Stacey, Dave, Jackson and Charlie joined us for lunch after the unexpected early departure of Stacey's Mum who fractured her foot and had to travel back to Adelaide. The cool conditions were perfect for enjoying our lunch on the deck.
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