Monday, May 4, 2020

Campbell Caching Expedition

Route choice organised by Aoife with the aim of dropping a trackable off at a cache in ADFA. Another stunning afternoon! We began with the first cache requiring a little bit of tree climbing which actually set the scene for the afternoon - turns out 5 out of the 13 were up in trees!

Our group became separated on the way to the second cache but eventually found each other again at the cache! This one proved to be a tricky one. We had given up when it was spotted high up amongst the branches. A brave Ella Walked the Plank (name of the cache) so we could log this as a find!

It seemed like every man and their dog was our walking around Lake Burley Griffin - mostly all abiding by the clockwise direction corvid rule. We stopped at the Memorial for the Indonesian Tsunami that occurred on Boxing Day in 2004. Unfortunately this cache was a DNF for us despite our combined efforts of cache hunting.

We skirted around Mt Pleasant collecting a few more caches only to arrive at the allocated cache for the trackable drop off to discover that the trackable wouldn't fit!! On ADFA ground the caches were hidden in cool places - one in a canon barrel and another one hidden amongst the holes in a piece of reinforced concrete that had bunkerfaust weapon fired into it! Eventually the trackable was dropped into a cache. We hope that it achieves its aim of visiting as many military sites across the world as possible.

As the sun was beginning to sink into the horizon, we rolled downhill to the last two caches both in trees! A fantastic afternoon out riding.



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