Tuesday, May 5, 2020

She's Coming

It's a funny world at the moment - home schooling and working from home (most of us). The house is different with Andy and the girls at home full time and there is the hole that Pippa left behind. Inevitably the topic of a new puppy was raised. With so much uncertainty of how long this isolation will last, perhaps it was a good time to welcome a new family member into our lives.

Discussions were had regarding the breeds best suited to our family and we stumbled across the Bordoodle - a border collie crossed with a miniature poodle. A bit more investigating revealed a breeder nearby and then we discovered two families we knew who had used this breeder. An email was sent...

We waited...

and waited...

sent another email and waited.

Finally after 3 weeks, we called and we were in luck!  There was a 6 week old female who had become available as the previous buyer had backed out.

Here were the photos that we received of the puppy - 


What a cutie! How could we resist? A few phone calls later and a holding deposit and she was ours!

Pick up would be in two weeks time. Now the fun begins with picking a name....

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