Tuesday, December 13, 2022

SW Tour - Day 5

Grey skies and misty rain greeted us this morning. At least we wouldn't be sweltering on our morning walk up East Mount Barren. Looming over the campsite, the craggy rocks on the summit look intriguing while providing a spectacular backdrop. Today's trail was another short 3km walk which lead us up the west ridge. There were several steep rocky sections to negotiate but nothing too serious. Numerous native flowers were blooming so Katy and I had a flower photography competition - Barren's Regalia, Royal Hakea, Showy Banksia, Petrophile teretifolia, Barrel Coneflower to name a few! 



The view from the top, once above the shrubs, were great - looking west the national park goes on for miles so much still to explore! From another rocky outcrop we could look east to our campground and Barren Beach. On top Ella chatted away to a school friend…as you do!

Before we knew it we were on our way down and Ella mentioned she wasn't feeling that well. We speculated that it was probably related to her recent travels / competition / stress and thought she might be coming down with a cold. The walk down was difficult in the steep sections. 

At the bottom Ella laid down on the seat and said she was feeling much worse - hot and wobbly legs. A break and water didn't help so Andy pulled out a RAT and we waited. Unfortunately it came up weakly positive!! We were all a little floored and sat around stunned wondering what exactly that meant for our little SW Tour. 

A bit of googling to check up on the latest rules / guidelines. The WA guidelines were to stay home for 5 days or until symptoms had gone. We weighed up our options - we couldn't return to Perth as we posed a significant risk to Nana who had just come out of surgery. Our current house was our camper and as we spend most time outside we thought we would continue on, evaluating our situation as we go. 

All quietly contemplating our future we drove off towards our next destination the Porongurups another 3.5 hrs west. Katy commandeered the front passenger seat not wanting to get covid again while Andy and I alternated between taking turns driving and hanging out in the back with a masked Ella. I took first turn at driving and Katy and I listened to Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. 

Slowed down by a truck, we rolled into Jerramungup, a tiny town located on the intersection of the South Coast Highway and the Gnowangerup - Jerramungup Road about the halfway point of today's drive. I spied a Lions Park with picnic tables and toilets and made a snap decision to break for lunch and change of driver. I first turned left off the South Coast highway and travelled about 100m hardly gathering any speed and indicating to turn right into the Lions Park. It was as I was making the turn, there was an almighty crunch - metal on metal type sound and our camper was jolted forward. WTF! We were all very confused but soon realised we had been rear ended by a ute! 

Safely pulling over into the park, we jumped our to survey the damage. The other driver had also pulled in and was profusely apologising. He was shaking as he recalled that he had momentarily looked down for his wallet as he was intending on filling up at the petrol station immediately past the park and hadn't seen that we were turning! Luckily no-one was injured. Our camper was damaged but still functional and thankfully drivable. While I was preparing lunch, Andy was on the phone to Apollo Assist to report the incident. Forms were filled and photos taken.

With our nerves slightly shot, we continued on driving wondering what else this day had installed for us. After another 2 hours we arrived at Castle Rock and the Granite Skywalk, the short walk earmarked as the afternoon activity. Leaving a slightly feverish Ella in the camper, Andy, Katy and I left. This 4km trail took us through the marri, karri and jarrah forest and brought back many of my childhood memories of time spent in Albany and surrounding areas. However the Granite Skywalk was new! From balancing rock, a bit of rock climbing was necessary in order to reach the base of a 6m ladder. By ascending the ladder you arrived at a suspended steel platform that spiralled around granite dome of Castle Rock. The views were spectacular! 

The return trip to the car was quick being all downhill and we were soon playing Pass the Pugs at the lovely and quiet Porongurup Tourist Park.

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