Thursday, October 12, 2023


Finally Covid caught up with me! After a week at work, I was feeling like rubbish and took myself to bed early and without dinner. Had a terrible nights sleep and woke up feeling even worse the next morning. As many of the ACT Schools team had tested positive during the week, I decided to take a rat test and it lit up like a Christmas tree! Bugger. I did not emerge from my bed for the next few days. I was sicker than I’d been for a very long time! 

As for the rest of the household, Katy was also sick but never tested positive; Ella was fine and Andy still managed to evade dreaded lurgy despite sleeping in the same bed.

It took me a few weeks to mostly recover and another few to fully recover!

Meanwhile, I was not allowed to lift a finger. It was interesting to watch the rest of the family pick up the slack! Ella loved pressure washing the deck! What a fun and rewarding exercise! The deck was then promptly oiled the next day by Andy!

And a few days later the table and chairs were also cleaned and then oiled. We decided the pressure washer is a great tool and I think it might go on the wish list.

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