It was a lazy morning. Following breakfast Katy, Alia and Arran spent most of their time being creative with the Livermore's art supplies; Ella was reading and writing in her journal and the adults chatted away. Ella conned Andy L into a game of spit and kept her cool (unlike when she plays with us!)
Pardoo Station, established in 1860, is a working cattle station - now specialising in Wagyu beef. It has 16km of coastline in which the first rabbit proof fence ends at Cape Keraudren. With this amount of access to the coast and several tidal creeks, it is not a surprise that the station is therefore is very popular with those interested in fishing. Unfortunately swimming is not recommended at the beach.
The boys became restless and decided on a drive to the nearby beach, a few km's away. They found Pardoo Creek snaking out towards the sea and a vast tidal flat with the water miles away!
After lunch, we proceeded to the Coffin Dodgers Bowling Club for the inaugural Hogg v's Livermore Lawn Bowls Competition! The Livermore's were the shoes and we, Hogg's the fish. Several times the tape measure was produced to verify distances between the bowls, however the final score was 9-6 to the Livermore's. Good fun!
With the temperature in the high 20's it was time to cool off in the pool! The kids had fun and kept us entertained with their funny dives and bombie attempts.
Back to our campsite the Livermore's Finska set was dusted off and several games were played as the sun dusted off and nibbles and drinks were had. Eventually we resorted to cooking dinner too! Despite being our last night sleeping in Bec, Katy didn't hesitant at the opportunity to sleep in a tent with Alia and Katy for their last night together.

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